Alliant Systems — New Website, New Office

black and white portraits of alliant systems employeesAlliant Systems is one of Portland’s leading mechanical contractors who has built some of the most advanced building systems around. Portland prides itself in creating energy efficient work spaces. Alliant is a big reason for that.

The firm recently grew out of its Beaverton office space and chose to move into a beautifully renovated, Pearl District building. As part of the move, they wanted to modernize their website. The new site we designed is mobile friendly and shows off stunning photography of their projects. We also got the added bonus of taking employee portraits, black and white on a clean background, which we think helps show off the great people who work there.

ULI Northwest Photo Contest Website


Brewhouse often has to say no to certain projects. They can be too small, too large, too designed-by-committee, too “unrealistically timelined”, and a few other things that make us nervous. We however just recently said yes to one with another descriptor that often gives us pause, pro bono. We take pro bono with much consideration because we want to not only ensure that our paying projects don’t suffer but also that the pro bono project itself receives the love and attention our clients expect. This spring, Urban Land Institute Northwest asked Brewhouse to be a sponsor of their 2014 Young Leaders Group Conference by building a website for their photography contest. We like ULI. We like photography. And we love a challenge. So we set a goal to design and build the site in one day.

One reason we could be cocky enough to pull this off was because the ULI representative, our friend Lucas Posada, knew exactly what he wanted. With his requirements well articulated and content well written, we honed the wireframes, sourced the art, designed the pages, and coded all the elements, in time to throw up some high fives to celebrate the fastest website build-out we’ve ever done. It was like a website special ops mission. And it was good fun.

The site is up and ready to receive photo submissions. Check it out. Throw your hat in the ring. Winners take home big cash!

Willamette Falls Legacy Project


In an effort to bring new development to a 23-acre industrial site near Oregon’s historic Willamette Falls, planners at various levels of government are overseeing a master planning project. To help brand the project Brewhouse was hired to develop a logo that reflected the project’s core values of public access, economic development, habitat, and history. The planners have creatively employed the logo throughout their campaign to raise support, educate stakeholders, and attract investors.




The falls today offer a scenic view that few individuals, even those local to Oregon City have ever seen due to poor access to the general public.


The falls and the surrounding area have a variety of stakeholders with interest and concerns that were all considered when developing the logo.



With a rich history and unique story, we are excited to see what happens to the project. For more information and updates on the project you can visit their website

The Butcher’s Brother is under construction



As we wrap up our work for the Butcher’s Brother BBQ with Whole Foods we are anxiously checking in on the production of all of the signage and graphic assets. Security Signs has been great with all of our custom signage needs. They didn’t even shrug a shoulder when it came time to hand paint some of the interior assets.

Williams & Dame Signage


Our friends at Williams and Dame Development can now welcome their visitors with a new sign.  Youn Hee worked her magic on typography modifications to the existing logo and  Jason from I Can Do It installed it perfectly.